

I found the Montessori Dementia program to be excellent.  Background information was provided as well as many practical suggestions. What I learned during the course was that I was not going to come away with a pre-packaged program. Instead what I came away with were values which need to be part of every interaction with people with Dementia.  It was like looking at people through new lenses. Thank You!
Thérèse Meunier
I am able to relate much better to the residents I assist with meals. From your course I learned that engaging with them, gently touching their hand and singing with them are all good things to do. I also found out more about their background and interests and used that in conversation.
Sandi Friedman, Volunteer
I was impressed with the Montessori approach and the teachers were very enthusiastic and knowledgeable. I have a client who is in the later stages of Alzheimer’s and I have been applying some of the techniques and have seen improvement in some areas. I find that the repetition method does really work.
KC, Caregiver and RM

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